
By consulting our dental clinic, you can find out if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. The optimal choice for having an excellent smile is orthodontics treatment.

What Is The Ortodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with improper positioning of teeth. A person may have an over bite, under bite, overcrowding of teeth, crooked teeth or a jaw misalignment—which could cause eating or speech problems.

In such cases, orthodontic treatments are recommended to slowly change the positioning of the teeth to be straighter and more aligned. Orthodontics can also be used for cosmetic purposes if the person wishes to have a better smile.

A person may be born with malocclusion or a bad bite, or they may obtain it over time through injury or habits, such as sucking their thumb as a child.

Whatever the problem may be, it is important to treat it right away. Malocclusion or a “bad bite” can be capable of causing you oral health problems in the long run.


The most appropriate age for the first orthodonticmauyene is 7 years of age. The jaw development problems detected in this period are treated more comfortably because the child is younger.

If there is no problem concerning the development of the jaws, the most suitable time for orthodontic treatment is usually the 11-14 age range, where all permanent teeth occur if the problem arises from only dental irregularities. Treatments applied at early ages are often called PROTECTIVE TREATMENTS, which prevent the progression of the problem.

Orthodontic treatment can be applied to individuals of all ages with healthy teeth, gums and bones. Of course, treatment and mechanics for all ages vary.

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