Teeth Whitening

Getting your teeth whitened at Be Safe Health is the easy part! The tricky part is to keep your brand-new smile for a long time.

What Is The Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure in which we will remove your teeth stains by using very safe, but highly potent bleaching agents. In just a single appointment, we guarantee you will observe a remarkable reduction in the shade and color of your teeth.

Having your teeth whitened at the dentist’s office provides the highest quality whitening to achieve safe, reliable bleaching results. The process uses higher-concentration bleaching agents and is administered by the dentist or trained hygienist and assistants.

Different application methods are available, and although the whitening is done in the office, it results in whiter teeth over a quicker amount of time overall. The cost of professional whitening is higher than at-home whitening systems, however the results last longer than at-home processes. With professional whitening, you can expect even, long lasting results. Your dentist understands the importance of ensuring the whitening process is safe and the results are appropriate for your teeth.

With professional whitening, you can expect even, long lasting results. Your dentist understands the importance of ensuring the whitening process is safe and the results are appropriate for your teeth.

Who Shouldn’t Whiten Their Teeth?

Small children: children who still have primary (baby) teeth should not receive whitening treatment because their gums, teeth, and jaws are still developing.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers: the chemicals from whitening treatments can be passed along to developing babies.

Previous restorative treatment: dental restorations, including veneers, crowns, and fillings, will not whiten because they are made of composite, porcelain, or metal. Only your natural tooth structure can change color.

Cavities, gum disease, and exposed tooth roots: if you have gum disease, cavities, gum recession, or worn enamel, teeth whitening treatment is generally discouraged until these oral conditions are fixed.

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