Beard Transplant

Beard transplantation is an application that can be applied to the cheeks, chin, sideburns, and mustache area.

Beard transplantation

The beard transplant is a minor procedure, performed under local anaesthetic at our Be Safe Health hair transplant clinic in Turkey, Istanbul. During the beard transplant, suitable hair follicles, which are genetically resistant to the balding process, are selected from the donor region at the back of your head. These hairs are then re-implanted one by one to make up your new facial hair.

The beard transplant operation allows practically any male to grow a thick beard that covers his facial skin from corner to corner. There are various requirements for this operation.

To start with, hair transplant operation is done using the same technique as beard transplant surgery. As a result, in order to be a good target for the treatment, you should have enough hairs in a donor site that suit the color and structure of your beards. In addition, patients should have reasonable goals for the effectiveness of the beard transplant process, keeping in mind that results do not appear immediately. Furthermore, you satisfy the requirements if you have diminishing or inconsistent spots of development in your beard; struggle with scarring in the beard region as a result of operations, wounds, or another unpleasant events that you would like to hide; or simply wish a denser, bolder beard than you presently have.

Operation Day and Before

There are a few suggestions to follow before your operation day. You should not smoke before the operation on the operation day. You should not eat heavy food since it may affect the anaesthesia process. If you already have a Moustache or a beard, you should not shave it yourself. Our experts will do the necessary work on your beard and moustache. If you use any medication at the moment or regularly, you must inform us to consider your situation better. You should not drink any liquid with caffeine; it may also affect your anaesthesia process. Dressing lightly is also helpful on your operation day.

After The Operation

You can start washing your face 24-48 hours after the operation. There will be no trace left in the body and neck area. In 2 to 3 days, planted hair follicles show up. The blood supply in the plantation area is going to increase, which causes acne-like tiny rednesses in hair follicles for 2-3 days. Because the blood coming out of the tiny holes is coagulated, you can observe redness that can last for 4 to 6 hours depending on the number of roots. Those tiny rednesses which lead to better hair follicle nutrition start disappearing in less than a week. This also means that you will get back to your daily life as soon as possible after the transplantation. After the transplantation, the hair will fall out 2 weeks after surgery and continue to re-grow at around 3 months; after that, your facial hair will be permanent. We recommend you to do your first shaving after a month from the operation since it is sufficient time for your new facial hair roots to settle perfectly. In six months, you will start to see the final results of the operation. After a year, you will see your facial hair intense and very natural looking.

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