Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow transplant operation is the same as hair transplantation. Since the number of transferred grafts are small, it takes a shorter time.

Eyebrow transplantation

Eyebrow transplantation operation is carried out by collecting the hair follicles on the nap and transferring them to the brow area. In general, brow transplantation is the same procedure with hair transplantation. However, a special attention should be paid for the hair follicles to be used in brow transplantation. Brow transplantation which is carried out with local anesthesia lasts about 2 hours and 40 to 400 hair follicles will be planted.

The direction of the planted brows should be planted in line with the brow characteristics of the person. Because while the direction of the brows is upright in areas that are close to the nose, they have a long and horizontal angle towards the edges.

Since brow structure can affect the facial expression of a person, the structure, shape, and direction of the brows should be set very carefully. Otherwise, your brow will look far less than natural.

Operation Day and Before

In eyebrow transplantation, after the hair roots are placed in their place, they begin to grow after an average of 3 months. As in every transplantation process before, there may be spills in the form of breakage in the hair follicles. The new shape of the eyebrows is completed within 7-12 months. In the first stage, since the growth rate of the eyebrow hair and the hair transplanted from the hair area is different, the transplanted hair follicles grow more. This situation can be corrected by shortening the eyebrows about every 15 days. Women normally fix their eyebrows close to these periods. Therefore, we can say that this is not a problem. After a certain period of time passes, the newly planted hair follicles will adapt to the eyebrows. It will be as fast as your previous eyebrows. You can catch this especially in the second year.

After The Operation

You can start washing your face 24-48 hours after the operation. There will be no trace left in the body and neck area. In 2 to 3 days, planted hair follicles show up. The blood supply in the plantation area is going to increase, which causes acne-like tiny rednesses in hair follicles for 2-3 days. Because the blood coming out of the tiny holes is coagulated, you can observe redness that can last for 4 to 6 hours depending on the number of roots. Those tiny rednesses which lead to better hair follicle nutrition start disappearing in less than a week. This also means that you will get back to your daily life as soon as possible after the transplantation.

After the transplantation, the hair will fall out 2 weeks after surgery and continue to re-grow at around 3 months; after that, your facial hair will be permanent. We recommend you to do your first shaving after a month from the operation since it is sufficient time for your new facial hair roots to settle perfectly. In six months, you will start to see the final results of the operation. After a year, you will see your facial hair intense and very natural looking.

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