Hair Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy is a treatment method applied by injecting the vitamins, minerals and amino acid mixtures required for the hair into the scalp.

Hair mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy is a really effective and non-surgical solution for hair-loss. It provides a healthier and thicker hair for thin and dull hair. Any blood or liquid are not taken from patient. Treatment process is painless. The medicines and ingredients that are used in the process, are approved by Ministry of Health and have been tried before.

Hair mesotherapy offers an effective treatment alternative for people who do not want surgical intervention for hair loss. It has been observed that hair loss slows down and stops overtime after mesotherapy on the scalp in both male and female patients. In addition to improving the blood circulation in the scalp, hair mesotherapy provides revitalization in the hair follicles, which allows the regeneration of hair cells. In this way, new hair growth occurs. Hair mesotherapy also helps to reduce the DHT hormone that causes hair loss in men and supports the correction of hormone imbalances that cause hair loss.

In addition to improving the blood circulation in the scalp, hair mesotherapy provides revitalization in the hair follicles, which allows the regeneration of hair cells. In this way, new hair growth occurs. Hair mesotherapy also helps to reduce the DHT hormone that causes hair loss in men and supports the correction of hormone imbalances that cause hair loss.

Who Is Suitable for Hair Mesotherapy?

1. Those who experience high hair loss but do not want to undergo surgical procedures,

2. Those who feel numbness and dandruff on the scalp,

3. People with slow hair growth,

4. Those who experience a lack of volume in certain areas of their hair causing an uneven appearance,

5. People with scalp ailments (excessive acne, seborrhea, etc.),

6. Hair mesotherapy represents a form of treatment that aims to both strengthen the hair and maintain the health of the scalp with its substantial structure.

After Hair Mesotherapy

1. Do not wash your hair for 3-4 days. The sensitive scalp is extremely ready to absorb chemicals. Therefore, it will be more beneficial for the scalp to contact only its natural oil during this process.

2. Do not expose your sensitive scalp to direct sunlight.

3. Vasodilation, dilation of blood vessels in the medical literature. It means. This enlargement frequently causes a decrease in blood pressure. Pressure drop negatively affects the performance of the circulatory system for a while. Alcohol consumption just before the processor within a week after the process will cause an increase in vasodilation. Therefore, alcohol consumption is unrecommended

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